
What is your Heart telling you? ❤️

by | Feb 14, 2023 | Uncategorized

I led an integration call yesterday for a lovely group of souls who just returned from a plant medicine retreat.   Our theme was Heart Vision, and not only because it’s the holiday of hearts today, but I now believe listening and seeing the world through this vital organ is the key to our healing.

In Chinese Medicine and other traditions, the heart is considered the seat of our soul, or spirit.  In my 25 years of practice as an acupuncturist I would estimate nearly 90% of the patients I treat come in with weakened or blocked heart energy.   No surprise if you consider the heart is the most powerful source of electro-magnetic energy in the body and its field is 100 times greater than the brain.  Did you know heart energy can be detected up to 3 feet from the body in all directions?

Neuro-cardiology research has established the heart-brain concept, showing the heart uses its energy to communicate directly with our brain – and the majority of the time our heart is in the driver’s seat, running the whole show.   This is why negative emotions can create biophysical chaos and positive thoughts do just the opposite. 

The Heart Chakra (energy center) is our main portal to divine love and also the gateway to your higher self.   So if chocolate and flowers aren’t enough and you’re craving some real LOVE on Valentine’s Day, I invite you to get quiet, be still, breathe deeply, and ask your heart what it wants to tell you right now. 

Keep your heart open as much as possible- a closed heart can’t send those important signals to your mind and body, or to other people.  Opening your heart can be as simple as being in gratitude.   Or sending love through your heart to someone who needs it – or someone you have closed off your heart to.  Our hearts can’t be broken, it’s our stories that are.   

Keep your heart energy flowing and see what it brings you. 💗

From my open heart to yours,




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