acupuncture is
Natural Pain Relief
and Chinese medicine
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has proved effective in treating pain for thousands of years. It’s now used in Western society to ease everything from low back pain and nerve pain (such as painful shingles and rashes), to headaches, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps and more.
If you have tried conventional therapies like pain medications, physical therapy, surgery, massage and chiropractic but still struggle with chronic pain and discomfort, acupuncture treatments may help you finally heal because they work on different energetic levels and systems in your body which are not visible through labwork or standard testing.

Acupuncture needles stimulate micro-circulation in the body, increasing blood flow to tissues that are injured
This can reduce healing time dramatically. Acupuncture also has been shown to increase white blood cells to bolster the immune system and because it can balance neurotransmitters it gives many patients a post treatment “high” or a sense of calm.
In Chinese Medicine theory, pain is believed to be due to stuck energy and blood in the channels of the body. It is a result of impeded circulation, which can lead to inflammation or degeneration. For example, in the case of sciatic pain, the Gall Bladder channel is typically involved and needs energetic balancing and circulation.
The Gall Bladder pathway runs from your piriformus muscle in the buttocks down the lateral side of the legs, which is the pathway of the sciatic nerve. This nerve can be compressed by injury or by sitting for long periods. Bound up toxic energy can also occur in this channel due to suppressed anger and stress, which acupuncture can release.

Very Relaxing, Restorative & Balancing
As the primary goal is to regulate the flow of energy in the channels, one often notices that their entire sense of health is boosted from the treatment: physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Herbal medicine can also play an important role in treating pain. Many specific Chinese herbal formulas have been proven to be useful in the treatment of sciatica and other types of pain in the lower body. Pain is typically the result of inflammation, which CBD and other natural supplements like curcumin and fish oil can also help reduce.
it’s always important to
Speak with a Professional
It’s always best to get your herbal products and recommendations from a trained professional so you are taking the right medicine for your condition, the appropriate dosage, and also use therapeutic products that have proven efficacy. Don’t waste your money on drugstore or online products that may not provide you with real benefits.
benefits of
Natural Remedies
There are also specific yoga postures and gentle stretches that are helpful for both prevention and for active flare ups of pain. I can show you some of these and also refer you to physical therapists who can develop more specialized programs for you.
With the right combination of therapies, pain typically responds very well to acupuncture and herbal treatment.
Amie Brooke, MSOM is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and holistic nutritional therapist.

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